This is the beginning of the day. It is only like 9:11 and my head is already full. Let me empty it. I've been reading
Nietzsche. Perhaps you might think that the name sounds or looks familliar, which you should. His writings are attributed
to giving the Nazis wind. However, they were quite misinterpreted. I think the view of the inequality of man was taken
out of context by Nazism as well as his sister, who had been found guilty of forging some of his writings. People
today would spurn that idea, the idea that some men are greater that others. Most of us in the US grew up withthe
ideals that everyone is equal and those who believe otherwise are either racist, prejudiced, and bigoted. However,
we all believe this in our subconscious mind. I don't think Nietzsche meant the inequality of man was determined
by race, but by actions. This is somewhat believable. When you really think about it, we all believe this. Why revere
some people and not others? If everyone is equal, then why should we raise some on pedestals and spurn others? This
belief in equality may have been spawned from the idea of potential energy. Perhaps everyone has the same potential to
accomplish great things and that is where the equality lies. However, the inequality comes in when it is time to
use this energy. When the time comes,these standouts or "Supermen" as Nietzsche called them, use the energy stored
inside them to accomplish great feats, while ordinary Joes are content to stay in their happy insignificant lives. So,no,
in that aspect I don't believe that everyone is equal even though we may have been created as such. I think despite what people
tell you, you have the ability to become much more than most people believe they are. The superior lifeforms are those
who know their energy, recognize their limitations, and strive to surpass them. Success in surpassing them is
not necessary to become a "superman" only the fact that you tried to transcend what you are told you are and never
to accept defeat.