I miss my art........i haven't painted in ages. i think i might do that tonight....... I've been doing a lot of thinking
about some fanart pieces i want to do concerning Frieza's daughter(whom i've named Icia). I've sill yet to write the fanfic,
but i will eventually. I don't really like a lot of the fanfics people have made about Frieza having a daughter and i really
want to do it justice...........I have almost the entire story mapped out in my head and it's a doozy. It's really involved
and twisting. I've even written stories based on the original idea(not fanfiction, because most of the original characters
aren't even mentioned) and i've used the world as the stage for many others as well. I've drawn a basic sketch of what she
should look like and i think i'll work on painting it tonight.........i want to use nice icy blues and whites as well as showcase
the different sides of her(slight spoiler alert) i want to show Frieza's side, her saiyan side as well as her human
side. And instead of showing her regular self, i'm going to show her in her final and most powerful side........i've been
putting a lot of stuff on deviant art. i think i'll put that there too........i can't really decide, but maybe i will touch
it up with digital art.....hmmmm.