i haven't really beendoing much lately......i've gone shopping a lot.........i've rested a lot....... and i've realized
that my life is insane.....in some definitions insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again, expecting different
results......my life exactly. I wake up, go to work, go to class, come back, watch tv, go back to class, come back, watch
tv, and go to bed. rinse and repeat. On friday and saturday, things are slightly different, but in variations of the same
thing. i go out with my friends(Ashley, Nicole), we go to the mall(jcpenny, then maurices, then somewhere else), we leave
and go to mcdonalds(insert different restaurant on certain occasions), then we go get my other friend(scott), go to walmart,
and back to the dorms. same thing on saturdays also. i notice that it's actually beginning to feel like insanity............can
you feel it or is it just me?