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journal #9
Home | obsess much... | Down into the abyss | Madness personified

I hate that fucking job............

I've said that many times over that last two weeks and it just keeps getting truer.......
 I don't really want to talk about that though(don't ask why that is the title of the journal). I've been writing this story, but I don't really know where to take it. I want to go back to writing my Damaged story, but I can't seem to think of anything to write anymore. ...... I don't know, perhaps I'll take a darker approach.......dammit.....
I think I might start today, that way I won't keep putting it off. perhaps......
I read this crazy dbz fanfic today that parodied romeo and julliet. i laughed my fucking ass off!!!!!! let me just tell you that you have to find it somewhere: goku wears a dress and krillin is romeo. wow......I almost laughed just thinking about it. :)..............okay that's enough of that (pulls on a straight face again)...........*snicker*.
I'm trying to find this dbz movie or special or whatever the hell it is. It shows the entire story of King Vegeta being killed(notice how I capitalize vegeta's name.) and how Vegeta faired afterward. WHAT THE HELL WAS IT?!!!!!!!! WAS IT AN EP OR A MOVIE OR A TV SPECIAL? WHAT? WHAT? WHAAAAAAAAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!  I have no frickin' idea!!!!!!!help! I'VE GOT TO FIND OUT OR I LOSE THE LITTLE SANITY I HAVE LEFT!!!!!!

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