I think I should see a doctor. I haven't slept i at least two days. I almost slept yesterday, but then my dad woke me
up and It was a lost cause. I'm still reading Nietzsche. I love the way he writes, because we think so much alike. I always
think about things that people say you shouldn't. (No, don't ask those kinds of questions, they'll give
you brain cancer! It'll spread and infect the world i tell you! ). I don't care. It's better to ask questions rather
than to soak up the crap people feed you when they find out you're just a mindless drone. I will never be a drone, a "cultural
philistine", as Nietzsche called it. I think that's why people invented idealism. It seems like just another reason to go
along with the crowd. (Obey, serve us and you will live in a virtual utopia, a world where peace and joy abounds. Disobey
and you will be exiled. Choose or die.) They expect everyone to be good little soldiers and endure the indoctrination that
they subject us to daily through music, television, and miseducation. Okay, now i'm starting to sound like some crazy militant,
aren't I? Crazy? Perhaps. Militant? Probably. Can't have that, now can we? If this sounds kind of like the insane ramblings
of a would be genius if she would have only read a little more instead of being taken in by the propaganda of this world and
perhaps the next, then pardon me while I burst into flames. Did that make any sense to you? Me either, but it happens sometimes.
Spewing out this ridiculous fodder for my conciousness seems to be the only thing keeping me truly sane. In fact, maybe the
world would be a lot better if everyone kept a journal in which they let go of all of the thoughts presently occupying brain
space. new and better ideas and revelations tend to form in their place. You can thank me later for that little tidbit of
info, i accept checks and alllll major credit cards. There was a man on the bus who I thought was possitively mad. He said
that we were all recieving a slaves education and then he began advocating education. It almost parodies our government. They
tell us how important it is that we get and education yet they teach us less and less. I recall how in George Orwells 1984
the English language was being condensed and how in Ray Bradbury's Farienheit 451 books were burned. They way I see it, we
are teetering on the edge of those extremes. Slowly, they're beginning to advocate the lack of thought and the importance
of blind faith. Interesting.........