
journal #12
Home | obsess much... | Down into the abyss | Madness personified


I feel like a zombie these days. i can't remember doing things, but somehow they still get done. It's like i black out parts of my life and then i'm suddenly there again. like, today. i can't even remember work. i remember some parts, but others just aren't there. i also notice that i realize i'm supposed to be doing something, but i completely forget right after the ralization.........wow......it's worse than the insomnia......dammit, i sure have a lot of problems. yesterday, i counted and put name tags on 132 halloween kits........i can barely remember doing it......i promise i am not on drugs.......but then again Weezer just told me yesterday that we were all on drugs so perhaps i am.......no, i'm pretty sure there are no drugs......but then again, would i tell you if there were drugs if there were drugs? hmmmmmm............. maybe my memory just sucks ass.........i'm so dead right now. i don't feel like i'm even in my body half the time(NO, IT'S NOT DRUGS!!!!!!) i just feel like some mindless done, mindlessly performing tasks over and over again(insanity) hoping and expecting something new(insanity) to happen...........oh madness, i heart thee :)........



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