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Journal #8
Home | obsess much... | Down into the abyss | Madness personified

Hell hath no fury.......

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOW DARE THEY DO THIS TO ME!!!!!!! THEY TOOK OFF DBZ ON THE WEEKDAYS AND PUT IT ON ON SATUDAY!!!!!1YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT FOR?DO YA? DO YA? i'LL TELL YOU: YU-GI-OH! WHAT THE HELL KINDA BULLSHIT IS THAT? WHO THE FUCK WATCHES THAT ANYMORE(i suppose you could say the same thing about DBZ if you didin't know about the underground) FUCKING SHOW ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!I COULD FUCKING KILL RIGHT NOW(don't worry, I'm not really that violent, I promise *halo appears above head*, really *halo bursts into flames and crumbles into ashes*)!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! However, on the upside of things, I can go to bed earlier. No........THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY EVEN STARTED THE EPS FROM THE BEGINNING AGAIN!!!!!!!!okay, yeah, I think I'll stop there before I can't stop myself.......

I love you DBZ!!!!!!!!!!DBZ4ever!!!!!!!!!!Screw all the people who hate DBZ(or for you true haters: replace screw with fuck accordingly.) Good day, I said, Good day!

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