ain't it the truth?

Journal #7
Home | obsess much... | Down into the abyss | Madness personified


I don't know why the subheading says space, because I'm pretty sure that's not what I'm about to talk about. First of all, this whole updating thing isn't really woking out the way I wanted it to. I can barely do the journals and there is just so much crap I wanna do with this site. Second of all........I've got nothing..... that rant didn't really last very long, now did it. Well, I guess I'll just do the usual then: empty my head of all the counterproductive crap taht's in it right now. Okay, my job. I swipe cards in my residence hall's cafeteria. In the morning. when everyone's still sleeping. They've just insituted a stricter policy on activities one can do at the check stand. and I quote: "ABSOLUTELY NO HOMEWORK, READING, WRITING, OR EATING AT THE CHECK STAND." now tell me: WHAT THE HELL KINDA BULLSHIT IS THAT!!!!!!!!! Do you know how fucking boring it is at the check stand in the morning or anytime for that matter? I would say I was goin insane if I wasn't already missing a few. And now I feel so fucking surly with everyone. People come in and smile at me and all i want do is tell them to get the fuck outta my face. How is that helping! At least when I could read my manga i was nicer! Now, i really don't give a fuck who gets mad 'cause I don't return that fake ass smile they give me! How many f-bombs was that now? well, it doesn't matter, the rant is gone now......for now anyway. Oh and now I know why the subheading says space. I think it has something to do with where my head has been for the past few days........


Jonathen, if you are reading this, take that damn picture off of you facebook, it's the gayest thing I've ever seen in my life. Love you though!

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